The Dilkon Service Area serves the southwestern part of the Navajo Nation. Dilkon is the pronunciation of a former White Trader of the Navajo name for the volcanic peak next to the main community “Tse’zhin Dilkoo” meaning “The Smooth Volcanic Peak” because the peak had no trees on it.
Dilkon is unique from other Navajo communities because it is surrounded by volcanic peaks from the east near Indian Wells all the way to the west for about 20 miles. The community of Leupp, which is located on the western part of our Service Area is home to Grand Falls where the Little Colorado River plummets several hundred feet. The view is most spectacular during spring run-offs or after the annual summer rains in July.
Dilkon Service Area staff consists of a staff of five. Teamwork is the key as we work and collaborate with different health departments and organizations: such as Arizona Department of Health, Navajo County Department of Health, Coconino Department of Health, Winslow Indian Health Care Center Health Promotion/Disease Prevention, Navajo Nation WIC (Women, Infant, and Children), WIHCC Public Health Nursing Department, Navajo Nation Community Health Representatives-Outreach Program, Navajo Nation Department of Behavioral Health Services, Navajo Nation Health Education, and Arizona Diabetes Coalition.
Schools within the eight communities include Dilcon Community School, Inc., Seba Dalkai School, Dine Southwest High School, Little Singer Community School, Leupp Schools Inc., Leupp Public School, FACE Programs, Indian Wells Elementary School, Jeddito Community School, and Navajo Headstart.
Winslow Indian Health Care Corporation, Sage Memorial Hospital, Tsehootsooi Medical Center, Campus of Care (nursing home), Tribal Entities (NTUA, NHA),
Northern Arizona University, Navajo Tribal Council/Chapter Officials, Law Enforcement (Navajo/Hopi/County/State), Native American for Community Action, Emergency Medical Services, Navajo Elderly Programs, Navajo Office of Youth Development, Arizona Highway Department, Southwest Fair Board, Hopi Health Care Center, Wings of America, and Dine College.
We also have a close working relationship with senior centers in the same chapters. The population of our area is 9,074 with 15 percent having diabetes.
The staff works with the clients in order to better serve their health needs. We provide presentations, health fairs, nutrition education, expos/food demonstrations, health screenings in the communities.
The NNSDP Dilkon Service Area hosts different events that we hold annually which includes Safety and Back to School Bash.